477 Butterfield Rd. # 408-410 Lombard, IL 60148
1412 W. Washington 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60607
100 TriState International #260 Lincolnshire, IL 60069
8 am-8 pm M-F Sat 9 am-3 pm

The First Responders Wellness Center is a full psychological services center to support law enforcement, Fire/EMS, public safety/corrections, Veterans, ER Staff, and other first responders. We provide therapeutic interventions, psychological testing, training, and consultation. Therefore, if you have a request, we can probably fill it.
Contact: info@firstresponderswellnesscenter.com or 630-796-2961
Training and public speaking:
Training for first responders include stress management, crisis intervention training, and psychoeducation on mental health, Crisis Intervention Team training, prevention, and first responder safety for overall wellness and professionalism.
Presentations can be from 1 hour to 5 days and personalized for your department or needs.
Presentations that have been given include:
De-escalation techniques and mental health crisis
Emotional Survival for Trauma, PTSD and critical incidents
Building Resilience in Law Enforcement Officers
Trauma and Building Resiliency
CIT training including:
(CIT history and overview; CIT signs and symptoms of mental illness, Department procedures and Legal Issues; De-escalation techniques; Active listening skills; Co-occurring disorders and Substance Abuse; Child and adolescent disorders)
Veteran CIT Training:
(Trauma, PTSD & TBI; Family Effects and Military; Veterans and trauma; Military Domestic Violence & Court; PTSD reactions and criminal behavior &
Women’s Veteran Issues)
Suicide and Veterans
Veterans, PTSD, and TBI, Veterans, domestic violence, and substance abuse.
Bridging the gap between law enforcement and mental health professional
Police culture and therapy
Therapy and treatment strategies when working with law enforcement
Police Stress
Police Suicide and Trauma
PTSD and reducing risk factors
Police Response and Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities
What to know: DSM-5 and ICD-10 changes
Signs and symptoms of mental illness
Autism spectrum disorders: Explaining the DSM-5 RF
Involuntary admissions in Illinois
Advanced interviewing techniques
Bridging the Gap between mental health professionals and police