Assess sleep pattern, bedtime routine, sleep time, actual sleep time, etc.
Do sleep journal with stressors, thoughts, feelings, and activities associated with going to bed.
Assess role of depression, anxiety, medication, etc. that may be causing sleep disturbance.
Stimulus control techniques:
Lie down to sleep only when sleepy
Do not use bed for any other activities like TV, reading, listening to music, etc. only for sleeping and sex.
Get out of bed if sleep doesn’t arrive soon after retiring (approx. 30 min)
Set alarm to same wake-up time regardless of sleep time or quality to implement a consistent sleep-wake cycle
No napping
Good sleep hygiene
Restrict excessive liquid intake prior to bed
Avoid spicy late night snacks or any late night eating
Exercise daily but not 3-4 hours before bedtime
Minimize or avoid caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and any stimulants
Try to avoid TV 1-2 hours before going to bed and avoid news or other intense material prior to going to bed
Make the bedroom colder, use brand new sheets, and darken your room
Learn Relaxation Skills
Progressive muscle relaxation
Diaphragmatic breathing
Stop negative self-talk and use thought stopping
Identify, challenge, and replace negative self-talk associated with sleep and replace with positive
During the day identify current life circumstances causing stress and/or anxiety that interfere with sleep and verbalize a plan to deal with stressors proactively.
Remember that you have a plan when going to bed
Sleep well, good night!