477 Butterfield Rd. # 408-410 Lombard, IL 60148
1412 W. Washington 2nd Floor Chicago, IL 60607
100 TriState International #260 Lincolnshire, IL 60069
8 am-8 pm M-F Sat 9 am-3 pm
Dr. Carrie Steiner
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Former Chicago Police Officer

Carrie Steiner is a licensed clinical psychologist and is currently in private practice as a police and public service psychologist. As a psychologist, she conducts police, fire, and public safety psychological evaluations and independent medical evaluations for first responders as well as therapy, debriefings, and wellness checks. Dr. Steiner also provides expert testimony and training for first responders. She specializes in trauma therapy utilizing E.M.D.R., exposure, and cognitive behavioral therapy. Dr. Steiner started her doctoral studies at the Adler School of Professional Psychology and received her doctorate from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology. Dr. Steiner is a certified trauma professional and has a certificate for cognitive behavioral therapy. She is also a member of the Illinois Association Chiefs of Police (ILACP), International Chiefs of Police (ICAP), Society for Police and Public Service, American Psychological Association (APA), and APA, Division 18, Psychologists in Police and Public Safety Member, and Illinois Psychological Association. Dr. Steiner is also a clinical partner of the "Headstrong Project; to heal the hidden wounds of war."
Dr. Steiner is a 13 year veteran Chicago Police Officer, Crisis Intervention Team Leader, Peer Support Member, and Chicago Police Academy Instructor. She worked in several specialized units including public housing, preventive programs, community policing, the police academy, and superintendent's office. Dr. Steiner also has FBI hostage negotiation training and has worked with numerous government agencies on high risk cases. While working for the Chicago Police Department she spearheaded their Veteran CIT training and autism spectrum training for law enforcement. She helped develop three streaming videos on how officers can successfully identify and resolve encounters with people on the autism spectrum and other special needs. In 2006, she was awarded the Crisis Intervention Team Officer of the Year, a silver ribbon award from the National Alliance of Mentally Ill. In 2007, Dr. Steiner won the CIT Officer of the Year award from the International Crisis Intervention Team. In 2008, the city of Chicago honored her with the Human Relations Award for her development and training of Chicago Police Officers on autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Steiner is also a presenter for Force Science Institute. She also received the distinguished service award from the Fraternal Order of Police after surviving a critical incident. Dr. Steiner has won several other national and local awards.
Dr. Steiner has worked as a psychologist for Cook County and Kane County Jails, conducting forensic testing and therapy for adult and juvenile mentally ill inmates. She provides forensic testing for inmates detained at Kane County and Kendall County Jail. Dr. Steiner collaborates with members of the United States Marshalls, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the Federal Protective Services on high-risk cases. She has also provided specialized training to the Chicago Fire Department, OEMC Dispatchers/Call takers, United States Marshall Service, Chicago Public Library, Chicago Organization of Bar Investigators, Kane County Bar Association, and several other governments and private and public agencies. She speaks nationally on mental illness and police response, de-escalation, first responder wellness and resiliency, crisis intervention, identifying mentally ill persons, suicide, civil unrest resiliency, cumulative trauma and secondary trauma exposure, PTSD, DSM-5, and several other topics.